Open Access
Open access (OA)
Open science and open publishing are based on the idea that the knowledge generated by scientific research should be easily accessible and usable. This is more precisely expressed in the FAIR principles - digital data, according to these principles, should be traceable (Findable), accessible (Accessible), readable and machine processable (Interoperable) and reusable without changing its nature (Reuseable). In line with these approaches, Palacký University Press is increasingly focusing on publishing books and journals in open access mode.
More information on open publishing and open science at Palacký University can be found at
Open access books
For open access books, we prefer publishing under CC-BY 4.0 and CC-BY-SA 4.0, , which are the most liberal in terms of reuse. Other licensing terms can be agreed with the author, principal investigator, etc.
All monographs published by Palacký University Press are peer-reviewed. For scientific monographs, we require at least two positive reviews, and at least one of the reviewers must not work at Palacký University. In justified cases, the publishing house will request an additional review or reviews, which may be anonymous.
Where can I read open e-books?
Open ebooks are available free of charge on the VUP shop or on the website Our open access books collection is also available at the Zenodo repository.
Open access journals
Palacký University currently publishes 28 journals, of which an increasing number are open access journals (20 titles). Others are gradually being transformed into this mode. Thanks to the support of Palacký University, authors, except for one journal, do not have to pay any publication fees.