For more than 26 years we have been specializing in academic publications, so we are familiar with the specifics of the academic environment. We know what RIV [Registry of Information about Results] and OBD [Personal Bibliographic Database], WoS, and Scopus are, and are able to provide you with advice in various areas.
We understand that our authors are primarily scientists and experts in their field. In view of this, we aim to reduce publication-related formalities as much as possible. Unfortunately, filling in some forms is still necessary. In addition, we must comply with the UP Policy R-B-24/20 “Editorial activity of Palacký University Press”.
Editorial activities are conducted in cooperation with UP Editorial Committee. Cooperation between Palacký University Press and editorial committees of individual faculties is ensured by their respective editorial officers.
With the annual publishing production including approximately 300 publications, Palacký University Press ranks among prominent publishing houses in the Czech Republic.
UP Press consists of four separate units:
- Editorial office
- Technical and design office (DTP)
- Printing centre (printing and bookbinding)
- Bookshop and e-shop
Documents for authors
Editorial Office
- Preparation of editorial plans (based on proposals from editorial committees of individual faculties)
- Procurement
- Evaluation of works regarding their readiness for publication
- Coordination of activities of authors, the technical office, a graphic designer, the printing centre, etc
- Provision of the editorial support for a publication (from the general conception of a book until the last letter)
- Negotiating of licensing conditions with authors and publishing houses
- Proofreading
- Guarantee of fulfilment of legal obligations for publication (mandatory copies, the “first right to purchase” obligation, etc.)
- Promotion of publications (advertising in professional journals, promotion on Facebook and at book and field-specific fairs, book launch parties, etc.)
- Communication with the National ISBN Agency, the National ISSN Center, the National ISMN Agency, the Theatre, Literary, Audiovisual Agency (DILIA), Crossref (doi), and scientific databases (WoS, Scopus, etc.)
- Distribution of our e-books (EBSCO, Google, Flexibooks)
- Elaboration of statistics and overviews for the Ministry of Culture, the UP directorate, and individual faculties
- Consultancy and counselling
- Cooperation with other university publishing houses in safeguarding the interests of up and its authors at various levels (the Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers, the Ministry of Culture, etc.)
Technical and Design Office
We are a team of professionals. We provide expert processing of materials submitted by authors. The result may be a hard-copy book, a PDF file, ePub, a leaflet, a brochure, an invitation to an event, a certificate of course accomplishment, etc.
Before you start working, we recommend that you read our tips for writing and pictorial attachments.
If you have not found the answer you were looking for on our website, you can contact us or visit us in person.
Your mission is to teach, research, and study; our mission is to provide you with professional background when presenting the outputs of your work. Do not lose precious time and make use of our services.
Printing Centre (printing and binding)
- Copying
- Digital print (monochrome and colour print)
- Manufacture of and print on digital media (CD and DVD)
- All types of bookbinding services (book binding, repairs of book bindings)
- Print of publications starting from two pieces
- Low-circulation print within two days (including binding)
For more information, see here.